Lord please help us recognise illusions, temptations and hypocrisy, refuse and surrender them to Thee, be humble and meek, carry our cross and love Thee in all of Thine aspects and beyond, at all times, in all places, for the highest good and Thy eternal Glory.

Nothing exists other than what is created by the Divine. Please notice the duality of language: a doer creates something. There is no such thing as the act of doing. Everything is the emergence of Creation. From a quantum perspective the unfolding of Creation governed by karma, what is termed in the dictionary as evolution is Creation.

While the description of anything is not it, language although it is dualistic and tends to limit that which is non-linear may be used to transcend the linear limitation and suffering. It has paradoxically practical usage. It allows consciousness to realise that it was never unenlightened. It may help it to evolve and notice the condition that it was, is and will ever be enlightened.

In the way to realise that Truth, meaning is imagined. Like a fantasy. Suffering although it exists just in imagination, feels very real, hence our Lord Jesus invite to take responsibility for the limitation of our perception, be compassionate and Love Him more than any illusion1.

From the same Divine Source, same teaching to be compassionate, came repeatedly through Lord Buddha. Creation is designed by the Divine in it’s infinite Love and Wisdom in a way that every aspect of consciousness ‘you’ has been karmically provided with the best conditions, including religion, to let go illusion and realise the Truth. So thought the letting go process illusion is surrendered gradually allowing Love and Truth to prevail, to the point where the condition is registered.

So from the worldly terms that which is aware of the unfolding of what is written is also aware that the aspect of consciousness that is called as Ioan Nicut, ‘has’ as karmic conditions a background of Mechanical Engineering - great conditions to transcend the Newtonian paradigm :), expertise in business and engineering in Information Technology; and also practical experience of coaching. Ioan Nicut went through about 8 years of psychoanalytical psychotherapy.

Whereas psychotherapy as it was experienced, seemed to be aimed at relieving the suffering of humans, coaching seemed not to be focussed on such a goal. However in ’this lifetime’, in what unfolded as a coaching practice, karmic propensities to being mindful and active listening, intuition were gradually accessed. These are impersonal qualities of consciousness.

It was observed that out of ignorance there is a propensity of the human consciousness to repeat over and over the same patterns of thinking hoping for different results. It was also noticed that for the human kind there was no analysing and being aware of one’s motives, there was a tendency to running away from anguish ’towards’ pleasure as the remedy. Letting go became natural as the process of identification and being mindful of such illusory goals and motives, attachments and aversions and surrendering to the Lord with the faith that the Father being put first will take care and provide what is needed for the benefit of the highest good.2

Miracles over miracles were noticed and faith increased to most of those who trusted and chose Him including this consciousness.3

What came then, seemed to be a propensity of supportiveness towards the alleviation and transcendence of of suffering.

All the Glory be to Thee oh Lord, now and for ever. Amen.

  1. Matthew 10:34-38. ↩︎

  2. Luke 19:11-26 ↩︎

  3. Matthew 6:31-34 ↩︎