Lord please help us recognise illusions, temptations and hypocrisy, refuse and surrender them to Thee, be humble and meek, carry our cross and love Thee in all of Thine aspects and beyond, at all times, in all places, for the highest good and Thy Absolute Glory.
Letting Go is to surrender any personal linear will to the Will of God. It is to let go of the attachment to the instant gratification of extracting energy from pleasure or suffering. It is about surrendering the narcissistic satisfaction of the illusion of being right, of the comfort of the sense of familiarity with the current perception of anything, with the extraction of energy from the illusory meaning that is attached to something.
An analogy that may work is to imagine the karmic body, what conventional is labeled as a soul as a tiny particle of sand floating immersed in the undercurrents of the ocean. In the ocean underneath, in an invisible way to the linear thinking operate different streams of infinite power, each of them with different consistencies and dominion.
Some of the streams are flowing in a way that supports and nourishes life and the truth, and others are to the detriment of life and truth.
The particle tends to flow in the same stream unless is re-polarised in a different way. A spiritual conscious or unconscious decision tends to align the karmic body with such streams. When under the dominion of such streams, the thinking tends to be structured by the governing streams. The ultimate governing factor is the Unity Karma. Nothing escapes Karma. In these conditions Karma and Divine Justice are one and the same.
What is denoted in a linear fashion in quantum mechanics as point of observation is a context in the non-linear ocean of consciousness. The Divine is the ultimate context.
Reality appears as the manifestation of potential from the infinite energy of the Unmanifest. Reality is independent of context, It is that which is created by the Divine. Nothing is caused by anything. Everything is the manifestation of its potential when conditions are appropriate. This comprises any linear manifestation including thinking.
Depending of the context, linear content may identify itself with a separated particle or there could be awareness of knowing the ‘whole’ infinite ocean without beginning and end beyond any notion of time. 1
After the condition of enlightenment is realised that which was perceived as a particle is recognised and known to be an aspect of the whole, although one may get glimpses of knowingness that one’s family, friend or foe, cat or little bug are just aspects of the ocean of ‘what one is’: Allness.
From a dualistic perspective ‘everything is connected with everything’. In Reality beyond any perception there is only the Whole of Creation, Perfect, Complete and Holly. It is He. Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Self. Anything less than That may be a projection of the mind.
Depending on Karma there might exist an aversion or clinginess to any such aspect, perceived individual. Any such aversion and attachment has a consequence limitation to the current stream of the ocean. If the stream is ‘to the detriment of truth and destructive of life’ it may have the consequence to reincarnation and continuing the cycle of rebirth and suffering, Samsara. For salvation, one must be under the dominion of the stream of unconditional love. For enlightenment one must transcend the dualistic thinkingness.
Thinkingness that is held in mind tends to manifest.2
Any identification with the limited linear, tends to be manifested back into the linear, Samsara. Being subject to the dominion of the same karmic factors - streams, what emerges as ‘outcomes’ tends to be the same; unless there is a conscious or unconscious spiritual choice. One could choose our Lord “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.”3
One could choose that which supports and nourishes Life, that is the Truth, the Infinite source of unconditional Love. One could keep continuing with that which is dualistically called illusion.
It does not take effort as it is perceived and experienced in the newtonian paradigm. It takes only willingness, one of the undercurrents and qualities - aspects of consciousness to shift effortlessly to another stream where Love and Truth are more dominant. This is a shift of paradigm which happens instantaneously, that may be acknowledged as a Miracle. It only takes faith as a grain of mustard as our Lord said.4
Through clinical observation of that which is aware of the unfolding of this writing being under the dominion of a stream of skepticism or another karmic limitation may hinder the quantum leap.
When in Rome, do as Romans do
Nothing causes anything. Everything manifests as a consequence of what it is. Potential manifests governed by Karma of All that is. This is to acknowledge the Perfection, Completeness and Holiness of All that is. Anything that is perceived other then the three attributes above is projection. So instead of projection, removing the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye an alternative to that is to acknowledge, accept, take ownership of one’s limitation, respect and be compassionate about it while Loving All that is unconditionally with no exception.5
The physical body has limitation. It is perishable, impermanent. But if clinically there is wisdom that comes via medicine, seeing a doctor may bring relief of suffering. The thinking is limited to the current paradigm. Going through psychotherapy may be of help.
Our Lord Jesus invites to not mix levels of abstraction and paradigms and honour each other to the best of one’s abilities.6
Letting go does not replace medicine, neither psychotherapy nor coaching. Through it one may surrender illusory limitation and acknowledge and accept karmic limitation and transcend suffering.
All the Glory be to Thee oh Lord.